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Dan & Elke


I contacted Atlantic K9 two days after bringing my 10 week-old German Shepherd puppy, Elke, home from the breeder.  Though I had been around a lot of dogs and felt like I would be capable of managing a puppy, it turns out it was a bit overwhelming and a lot more work than I anticipated. I was lucky enough to come across Atlantic K9 through on-line searches for dog trainers in my area. I was super-impressed with the knowledge and transparency of the people at Atlantic K9 (Jenny was great!) in answering all of my questions and explaining in detail the methods and results I could expect.  Based on my interactions with Atlantic K9 and research I did on them and their training methods, I became convinced that they could help me with Elke and so I committed to the 2 week boot camp.  Since my dog was still too young to join the boot-camp, I had 6 weeks to train on my own before Elke could participate in the boot camp.  Those 6 weeks were long, frustrating and arduous.  At many times, I questioned my ability to be an effective trainer and owner and questioned my decision to get a puppy.

When Elke was 16 weeks, I dropped Elke off at Atlantic K9 thinking that even if the training wasn’t effective at least I would get a two week break.  I remember feeling a sense of relief when I dropped her off.  Fast forward two weeks when I went to pick up Elke and I couldn’t have been more pleased.  When I picked Elke up, she was able to walk on heel without tugging the leash or constant sniffing.  She is a much calmer and confident dog.  Gone is the constant barking at strangers or dogs when we are out walking and our time together is so enjoyable.  Around the house she is much calmer and relaxed and much more connected to me.  I have had strangers stop me on my dog walks to tell me how amazing it is that my young puppy is so calm and well behaved.

Though there is still much work to do for Elke and me, I feel like the boot camp gave her and me a really good start and because of the boot camp, she is paying much more attention to me and views me as her leader – which makes the subsequent training that I am now doing on my own that much easier.  I so much more enjoy my time with Elke and feel very positive about her development and my ability to guide her.

The primary trainer that I worked with has been Ari.  I was so impressed with her knowledge, professionalism and patience.  When I picked Elke up from the boot camp, Ari taught me how to utilize the e-collar and the training collar and was able to break down the information into easy to understand components.  I had a follow-up lesson with Ari as well where she demonstrated and then guided me through additional training techniques.  I am so appreciative of what she has done for Elke and me.

A month after picking up Elke from Boot Camp, I had to drop her off at Atlantic K9 for a week when I went on a business trip abroad.  This time when I dropped Elke off, I didn’t feel relief or a sense that I was getting a break.  Instead, I just thought about how I would miss Elke when I was gone and how I couldn’t wait to get back from my trip so I could spend time with her.  What a change from the month before!  

Thanks Kathleen, Jenny, Ari and the rest of the Atlantic K9 team!

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I so much more enjoy my time with Elke and feel very positive about her development and my ability to guide her.

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